Skills for Vigil: The Longest Night is a combat and character progression mechanic of the game. In Vigil: The Longest Night, there is a weapon skill tree for each weapon category and a general or passive skill tree that focuses on upgrading the stats of the protagonist, Leila. Players will need to obtain skill points and spend it on unlocking skills to their desired tree to further improve Leila's capability of becoming the ultimate vigil and warrior of light. This page covers a list of all the Skills in the game.

Obtaining Skill Points

Acquiring Skill Points in Vigil: The Longest Night is quite straightforward, players will need to obtain EXP to Level Up which can be done by continuously killing enemies and bosses or by completing quests t. Whenever a player obtains a Skill Point, a flash of light will appear on the screen and will indicate that Leila has leveled up. You'll then acquire (1) skill point which can be used to unlock the skill they want to acquire.

Spending Skill Points

Once you've acquired a skill point, open the menu and head to the Skills interface to check the different skill trees. From there, you can apply your Skill Point to whichever Skill you want to unlock provided that you have enough Skill Points that are required as well as unlocking its prerequisite.

Can I respec my Skill Points?

Players can respec their Skill Points by speaking to the Skill Master and by offering a Fledging's Blood Soul. You can find him on Cat Isle located at the west side of the Depressing Forest.



Vigil: The Longest Night Skills

Sword Skill Tree

leila sword skills vigiltln wiki

Sword is a balanced weapon that grants Leila a unique ability to block, decreasing incoming damage. It can be further upgraded to parry both melee and ranged attacks.

Daggers Skill Tree

leila daggers skills vigiltln wiki

When equipped with double blades Leila can perform more agile, acrobatic combat techniques. Daggers' Special Attack is a lightning speed evasion followed by a counterattack that deals devastating damage. 


Bow Skill Tree

leila bow skills vigiltln wiki

Using bows and slingshots and equipped with many different types of ammo, Leila can swiftly deal with enemies before they even reach her.

Axe Skill Tree

leila axe skills vigiltln wiki

Leila can use heavy weapons to perform slow, yet unstoppable charged attacks that deal massive damage and easily stun enemies.

Passive Skill Tree

leila passive skills vigiltln wiki

Skills from this tree are not tied to any weapon and are always active. They grant various permanent bonuses to Leila's Stats, as well as improve her ability to use Consumables and Arcane Items.



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    • Anonymous

      so i heard that you can spend your skill points to increase your attributes instead, somehow? can anyone confirm?

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